It goes without saying that we will never put on events that are clearly misleading, homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic or derogatory in any other way. If there is any doubt, we enter into a dialogue with the artists, ask questions, share our perceptions and initiate reflection. We stand by our programme and the stance of the artists we have booked.
In the line-up, we pay particular attention to ensuring gender balance and consider artists from different social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and people of colour.
We take particular care with mediation concerts for young audiences to choose artists and bands that represent diversity and act as role models.
We must also encourage diversity in activities behind, in front of and next to the stage, such as in technology and production.
For bands accompanied by children we offer accommodation and care facilities and / or cover travel and accommodation costs for a suitable caregiver. In addition, we ensure breastfeeding and retreat opportunities.
So as not to exclude people with low incomes from our events, we offer a free ticket quota and / or enter into partnerships with specific organisations. Furthermore, we have made arrangements with our team at the ticket office to allow flexible pricing to ensure admission is affordable for people with low incomes and anyone escorting people with disabilities.
BInpaneldiscussions,wealsomakeanefforttoensurethat moderators use language that is as non-discriminatory as possible and allow people equal opportunities to speak. Moderators should aim to help break down dominance and power structures; one way of doing this could be to make sure that people get to speak for similar amounts of times.
By quantitatively and qualitatively evaluating our programmes on offer, we can better identify inequalities and then achieve targeted measures.