
Language, text and images exert definite influences on our ideas of gender identity and social, cultural and ethnic origin as well as health, age and beauty, amongst other things. Using non-discriminatory language and a range of images to communicate can break down and question stereotypes and role models. It is also a way of addressing and involving more people.


  • We demonstrate our attitude and communicate that sexism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia are not tolerated in our club or at our festival.

  • We respond seriously to questions and criticism from within the team, from artists and the audience in a benevolent manner and without being intimidated. We instruct our team accordingly and learn through a culture of active feedback. We treat ourselves as equals with each other and bear in mind that not everyone has, or has had, the same experiences.

  • In order to promote an inclusive culture, we get support from external, biographical or professional experts where necessary.

  • We also sensitise our artists, participants and the public with respect to questions and concerns about diversity and equality.

  • We specifically choose means and methods of communication that enable our information to be read and understood as much as possible. We implement this by using, for example, easy to understand language with as little terminology as possible, taking care to make it as effective as it can be. Summarising longer texts can also help reading comprehension.

  • To overcome additional hurdles for those with visual and hearing disabilities, we will create an accessible website that is easy to navigate and can also be operated with a keyboard. Images and videos with descriptions or subtitling also facilitate accessibility. We also create accessible PDFs of texts. When sending an e-mail, we send attachments in common text formats and as a PDF
    document. Printed texts are also printed in relief lettering.

  • In order to recognise migrant diversity and enable participation, we make an important contribution with multilingual communication in common international or event-relevant languages. By offering events in several languages or with translations, we also increase opportunities for participation.

By using gender-appropriate language, we question gender hierarchy and stereotypical gender attributions and recognise that there are multiple gender identities. There are several ways of expressing this, a good one being to use the personal pronoun “they” rather than, say, “he” or “she” in order to cover as many identities as possible.


Written and spoken language

  • Whenever possible, we use gender-neutral phrases. A handy way of doing this is using the plural personal pronouns «they» and «their». For example, «if a person loses their bag, they can ask for it at lost property» is less objectionable than “if a person loses her bag, she can ask for it at lost property”. Similarly, making whole sentences plural can be more inclusive: thus “concert-goers may use the bathroom they want” is more inclusive than “the concert-goer may use the bathroom he wants”. Similarly, when trying to cover as many identities as possible, steer clear of gender-specific words and use, for example, “humanity” instead of “mankind”, “parent” instead of “mother” and “fire fighter” instead of “fireman/firewoman”

  • We avoid the use of phrases and expressions that express hidden statements about supposedly “typical” feminine or masculine traits, such as referring to the “pretty songs” of a female singer or “girl power”.

  • Even in foreign language texts and translations, we use gender-appropriate language and will ask for support if necessary.

We observe the following points in order to communicate in a more non-discriminatory way about place of origin, physical appearance and / or disability:


Written and spoken language

  • We do not use clichéd or exotic descriptions of persons with a migration background and / or people of colour, such as “hot-blooded”, “Latin-tempered”, “he has natural rhythm” or “they are loud and disorganised”.

  • We do not characterise people with disabilities as sufferers, victims or problem children. We avoid phrases such as “he has a heavy load to bear” or “she is confined to a wheelchair”. Similarly, we avoid glorifying phrases such as “he has bravely and courageously overcome his difficulties in life” or “despite her disabilities she still manages to enjoy life”.

  • We consistently refrain from using the term “invalid” or “disabled person”.

In addition to the use of non-discriminatory language, we also pay attention to the design of all our means of communication (Internet and Intranet, posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, videos, etc.) to ensure
a gender appropriate, non-discriminatory and diverse representation of people, interactions and situations.


Visual language

  • We consider different people and different realities of life to be equal.

  • Weavoidanystereotypical,sexistanddiscriminatoryrepresentations of people. Everyday situations, breaking with stereotypes or reversals are not only more inclusive, but also much more visually interesting, such as depicting women using technical equipment, and people with disabilities drinking at the bar rather than using a stairlift.

  • Our photographers and filmmakers are also instructed accordingly.

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